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Bi-wiring – is it worth it?

Indiana Line Diva 660

Many audio users are looking for ways to improve the sound quality of their audio system. There are many possibilities. It is worth remembering that there are also simple solutions that will not consume a large budget. The owners of selected Indiana Line floorstanding models should definitely consider the use of bi-wiring, as the manufacturer has predicted such a possibility. What is this solution and what are the benefits? We will explain all the issues in this article.

 Contents: Bi-wiring – is it worth it?

  1. What is bi-wiring?
  2. Is it worth using bi-wiring?
  3. Bi-wiring vs bi-amping
  4. Bi-wiring cables
  5. How to connect the cables?
  6. Bi-wiring – opinions
  7. Summary
Indiana Line Diva 660

What is bi-wiring?

To explain the essence of bi-spinning, it is necessary to briefly recall the method of connecting speakers to one amplifier or receiver. The basic way is to connect a single pair of speaker cables to the amplifier terminals. On the other hand, the cables are connected to the terminals on the back of the loudspeakers. The advantage of this basic speaker connection is, of course, its simplicity. You only need basic speaker cables. However, if we look at this connection from the technical side, it turns out that the signal from the amplifier is transmitted via the same cable (on a single cable) to individual drivers. This means that both the power-demanding woofer and the small tweeter are powered in the same way.

Some manufacturers offer double speaker terminals in the loudspeakers. Such a solution can be found, among others, in Indiana Line floostanding models from the Tesi and Nota series.

Novice users often wonder what the bi-wire connection is about, what is the purpose of it. It is just about the possibility of separating the signal flowing to the loudspeakers processing individual parts of the band.

Indiana Line Tesi 261

Is it worth using bi-wiring?

Many users are curious if bi-wiring makes sense. To answer this question, it’s important to know how speaker cable affects sound quality. However, do not be afraid of the physical formulas. We will explain it in a much simpler way.

In loudspeakers with single loudspeaker sockets, the electric signal is sent to the crossover, and only there the band is distributed to the individual speakers. Users of such constructions cannot take advantage of bi-spinning. Of course, we ignore amateur modifications that result in the loss of warranty.

So let’s focus on loudspeakers with double speaker connectors, which the manufacturer has adapted to bi-wiring at the factory. A different crossover design is used in these models. In the loudspeakers using the parallel crossover, each loudspeaker is equipped with separate filters. Their task is to remove any unwanted components in the audio signal.

When reproducing low frequencies, a large current pulse is generated, which may also affect other frequencies. Therefore, the main advantage of a bi-wire connection is the separation of the low and high frequency signal.

Users of systems that have dual speaker inputs at the back of the speakers should also be aware of the way the signal travels before it goes to the drivers. Well, when using individual speaker cables, the signal from the amplifier is sent to the tweeters through a speaker jumper, which in most loudspeakers is not of the best quality, so the signal is distorted before it goes to the tweeters. Of course, there are loudspeakers factory-equipped with good-quality jumpers, but we must admit that this is not a common situation and concerns mainly hi-end loudspeakers.

Indiana Line Diva 660

This means that by connecting loudspeakers adapted by the manufacturer for bi-wiring (e.g. Indiana Line models from the Diva series, except for the Diva 752 model) with classic speaker cables with a single pair of plugs, you will not fully use the sound potential of the loudspeakers. In the Indiana Line models, the manufacturer, however, took care of the appropriate construction of the loudspeaker terminals. This component, despite its inconspicuous appearance, is entirely made of a non-magnetic conductor.

In addition, splitting the signal of the woofer or mid-woofer section, which absorbs a lot of power from the noise-sensitive tweeter, improves signal separation. It is hardly necessary to convince anyone how distortion of the tweeter can negatively affect the sound quality.

The use of a bi-wire connection allows for better separation of the signal flowing to the speakers responsible for processing individual parts of the band. The loudspeakers of the woofer and tweeter sections have different characteristics and different requirements in terms of signal strength. With a single cable, the signal flowing to the woofer affects the other bands.

The use of bi-spinning generally improves bass. The detail and differentiation of bass are upgraded. We know from the opinions of the Indiana Line Tesi 661 users that they notice greater transparency and clarity of the treble. Bi-wiring also boosts the precision of stereo. In speakers with high potential, the bi-wire connection improves the localization of the virtual sources. Especially lovers of instrumental music will feel it, or actually hear it.

The scale of improvement of individual factors depends of course on many aspects and differs depending on the system and its individual components. The easiest way to see how bi-wire will affect your speakers is to test it. It is worth remembering that this is one of the cheapest ways to improve the sound quality in an audio system.

Indiana Line Nota 260 X

Bi-wiring vs bi-amping

It is worth knowing that there is also a bi-amp connection (bi-amping), which allows for even better separation and differentiation of the signal. Its essence lies in the use of two amplifiers that will power the loudspeakers (e.g. the Indiana Line Tesi 561 model). This means that in a given speaker, the low-frequency or mid-woofer and tweeter sections are powered from other amplifiers, the sound characteristics of which can be consciously selected in terms of your preferences and the properties of the selected range of the acoustic band.

The advantage of this solution is the complete separation of the individual parts of the amplified signal. The two-cable connection means that the signal from the woofer and tweeter sections is amplified by two independent amplifiers. Thanks to this, we obtain a good separation of the woofer, which draws a lot of power from the amplifier. When connected in this way, it has no effect on the tweeter, because it is powered from a separate device. This allows for greater sonic clarity and increases the precision and momentum of bass. Thanks to this connection, the power amplifiers are less loaded. They only amplify a given part of the human audible range.

It is worth remembering that to create bi-amping you will need two stereo amplifiers. Due to the cost, this solution is rarely used in home audio systems. However, it has the advantages coming from the possibilities of shaping the sound by simultaneously using devices with diametrically different characteristics (eg using a tube amplifier to power the “treble” and a powerful transistor to drive the bass).

Indiana Line Nota 250 X

Bi-wiring cables

When choosing speaker cables for bi-spinning, it is worth following the same principles as for classic speaker cables.

First, pay attention to the quality of the conductor. Silver has the best signal conductivity. However, due to the very high price, such bi-wiring cables are chosen by only a few users. The most popular are cables in which the conductor is OFC oxygen-free copper. They will be a good choice not only for budget audio sets. They also work well in higher class systems.

It is also worth paying attention to the quality of the plugs. They should be solidly made. This will ensure the durability of the wiring. This is because speaker cables should serve the user for years.

When choosing speaker cables, remember not to make unnecessary supply when choosing the cable length.

How to connect the cables?

So it’s time to explain how to properly connect bi-wiring cables. At the beginning, you should equip yourself with the appropriate speaker cables that are designed for this purpose. They have double plugs on the side of the loudspeakers. Hence the name – bi-wiring. The first thing you should do before connecting these cables is to remove the jumpers connecting the speaker terminals. This is a very important step to ensure that the electrical signal does not pass from a single cable to the tweeter, as has been the case so far. Now you only need to connect the duplicate speaker plugs to the amplifier terminals and in the loudspeakers.

Indiana Line Tesi 261

Bi-wiring – opinions

The subject of wiring always causes a lot of emotion in discussions among lovers of good sound. It is similar in the case of bi-wiring (two-cable connection). Many users wonder if bi-wiring makes sense.

We know from user feedback that many of them hear the difference when bi-amping is applied to their audio system. Most often, positive feedback relates to the improved stereophony and better control. We also find the opinions that bi-wiring has not affected the sound quality in any way.

Users also point out that the quality of the cables used has a great influence on the result. The better bi-wiring speaker cable you connect to the equipment, the better results you can expect.

It is worth remembering that the largest current pulse is generated when reproducing low frequencies. Therefore, the use of bi-wiring may be more audible when playing electronic and rock music than, for example, when listening quietly to jazz or instrumental music.

However, we suggest not to be uncritical about the opinions appearing on internet forums. A much better solution is to check how bi-wiring will affect the sound quality of your audio system. We can use different cables and compare their impact on sound quality. It is worth remembering that the result depends not only on the system, but also on the user’s hearing sensitivity to changes. Therefore, the effects may be different from the opinions you can read about bi-wiring on the Internet.

Indiana Line Tesi 561


Bi-wiring cables are not much more expensive than classic models with single plugs. So if your Indiana Line loudspeaker model is equipped with double speaker clamps, in our opinion it is worth paying the expense. Especially people who already know their own loudspeakers well will have the opportunity to check how the use of bi-wiring will affect the bass and other aspects of the sound.

Remember that if you find that bi-wiring is what you are looking for, you can delve even more into improving the sound quality. The next step then will be to implement bi-amping in your system.

If, on the other hand, you do not hear any differences in sound quality resulting from the use of bi-wiring, you can always go back to the original way of connecting the speakers with one cable.

How to choose Indiana Line speakers depends of the room size?

The selection of loudspeakers to the size of a listening room has a substantial impact on the quality of the sound that we will ultimately achieve with their use. It might seem that the issue is simple – small bookshelf speakers are suitable for small rooms, and floorstanding speakers for larger ones. However, it is not entirely so obvious, because additional factors should also be taken into account, such as the shape of the room. The interior acoustics must not be overlooked when choosing the columns. It is no less important than the matching of individual elements that create a stereo set (with floorstanding/bookshelf speakers) or a home theater (equipped with a central speaker, ceiling/effect speakers).

Contents: How to choose Indiana Line speakers depends of the room size?

  1. Which loudspeakers for the living room or other room?
  2. Loudspeakers and the size of the room
  3. Subwoofer as an additional woofer
  4. Capacity, shape and acoustics of the room
Indiana Line Tesi 661

How to choose Indiana Line speakers depends of the room size?

How to choose loudspeakers depending on the size of the room? Unfortunately, this is not an obvious matter. The selection of loudspeakers for a specific listening room, e.g. a home living room, is an extremely important factor in terms of the final sound of an audio system. The choice of loudspeakers – floorstanding or bookshelf speakers – will depend on, among others, the capacity of the room in which they are to work, as well as the volume level at which we want to play music. So the efficiency of the speakers will be also important.

The financial issue is also important, i.e. the amount that we can spend on a stereo system or home theater. While in a stereo set, intended mainly for listening to music, the selection of a pair of loudspeakers will be much easier, in the case of a home theater, where we additionally use a central speaker and effect speakers (including ceiling speakers), it is not easy to choose loudspeakers, which will be appropriately adapted to the size of the listening room. For example, in a home theater system that supports Dolby Atmos surround sound, we can install even up to four ceiling speakers. In smaller rooms, configurations with two ceiling speakers will be sufficient.

All passive loudspeakers, regardless of their electrical parameters, need an appropriate power amplifier to operate.

Traditional floorstanding loudspeakers are usually characterized by a wide frequency response, strong bass and high dynamics. Because of their dimensions and the place they need in the listening room, they are also one of the key elements of the interior design, so they should be its decoration, matching the other elements of the interior, also in terms of colors.

On the other hand, bookshelf speakers are willingly chosen for stereo and home theater systems, not only because of the character of the sound, but also because of their easier placement. Due to the smaller dimensions of their cabinets, they are distinguished by great stiffness, which translates into lower distortion and lweaker resonances.

Indiana Line Nota 240 X

Loudspeakers and the size of the room

Regardless of whether we are dealing with high-class floorstanding or bookshelf speakers, it is difficult to say at first glance what size of the room will be the best for a given model. Together with the capacity/dimensions of the room, the power requirement and also the acoustics of the room change. The distance between the installed speakers and the listener will also be different, which is important not only for stereo sound reproduction, but also for surround sound (e.g. through ceiling speakers). The greater the distance, the more important role the sound reflections from individual walls and ceilings play.

It is difficult to define in an easy way the dimensions of the room for which the loudspeaker constructors design their models. This is due to the fact that there is no direct translation of parameters such as the size of the drivers and their membranes used, efficiency, loudspeaker power or loudspeaker impedance to which size of the listening room a given model will be the best for.

However, it can be assumed with high probability that in most large home living rooms, floorstanding loudspeakers will be the best solution, in the set with which the appropriate power of the receiver, amplifier or power amplifier should not be missing. On the other hand, in smaller rooms, e.g. because of the lack of sufficient space to set up floorstanding loudspeakers, bookshelf loudspeakers will be better.

Indiana Line Tesi 561

A room up to 12 m2

There are many compact loudspeakers suitable for small rooms on the market. These are both passive sets and active loudspeaker sets. So choosing speakers for a small room is not easy. We especially recommend here the Indiana Line Diva 252 or Indiana Line Tesi 241 bookshelf speakers.

Diva 252 is perfect for listening to music in a compact stereo set. It has a wide frequency response that ranges from 48 Hz to 22 kHz. The tweeter of the Diva series models has been mounted in the cabinet with an insulating rubber pad that reduces vibrations transmitted from the cabinet, improving the stereo and clarity of the treble.

The second of the mentioned models, i.e. Tesi 241, can be an excellent replacement for micro-system speakers. Like Diva 252, it has a back firing bass reflex port, so placing this speaker closer to the wall can further enhance the bass processing. The Tesi 241 loudspeakers can also be used as rear speakers (effect speakers) in a home theater system. In such a surround sound system, you can also use the Indiana Line Tesi 761 central speaker, which will be consistent in design with other models from the Tesi series.

Nota 240 X may also be an interesting proposition for a smaller interior. A small stereo system using these bookshelf speakers will not only look great in the listening room, but also provide a very good sound. Nota 240 X will work, for example, as a TV sound system, of course, in combination with an appropriate amplifier. These loudspeakers can also be used as rear/effect speakers in a home theater system. What’s more, the design of the cabinet makes it possible to hang them on the wall.

A unique design in the Indiana Line offer is Tesi Q. You can build this model in the wall or hang on it (using the wooden cabinet included in the set). Thanks to this, it will not take up much space, and at the same time will provide very good quality sound. This installation model uses the same components as the Tesi series loudspeakers, ensuring a consistent sound with them. This allows you to use Tesi Q also as an effect loudspeaker in a home theater system along with other models from the Tesi Indiana Line series, while maintaining the same tonal quality.

In smaller rooms, you can also use compact active loudspeakers (usually two-way), and even portable Bluetooth speakers (which process the full acoustic frequency range, most often using one full-range speaker). In multiroom systems, in rooms such as a bathroom or hall, the Indiana Line RD 260 or RD 280 ceiling loudspeakers can be used to create a musical background.

Indiana Line Tesi 241

A room up to 15 m2 – which bookshelf speakers to choose?

In places where there is little space to put the loudspeakers, and the distance between the sound system and the listening position is relatively small, the compact bookshelf speakers will work well, for which there will always be a place – if not on a special base then directly on a wall unit or TV cabinet.

It is worth considering, for example, the Indiana Line Diva 262 model. These are good speakers for rooms with an area not exceeding 15 m2. This model uses a bass reflex cabinet. The port is located at the front, which allows the speaker to be positioned even very close to the wall, if necessary. This two-way design uses a Curv material woofer, which, combined with other technical solutions used here, allows for a clear and dynamic sound.

Our next proposal are the Indiana Line Tesi 261 speakers, which will fit perfectly into any interior. It is also a model with front ported bass reflex, which facilitates easy positioning. It will work wherever there is no room for large floorstanding speakers, but at the same time we do not want to give up the high-quality sound reproduced by our audio system.

From the Indiana Line offer, it is also worth paying attention to the Nota series and its Nota 250 X loudspeakers, which use timeless cabinets with elegantly contoured side panels that emphasize the elegant shapes of this model. Thanks to this, Nota 250 X will not only be a decoration of any interior, but at the same time will allow you to obtain an emotional sound with exceptional dynamics as for a bookshelf construction.

Indiana Line Nota 250 X

A room up to do 20 m2 – floorstanding or bookshelf speakers?

In rooms with an area of 15-20 m², depending on the preferences of the listener, both bookshelf speakers and smaller floorstanding speakers can be used.

If you have space for floorstanding loudspeakers, then we recommend creating a stereo system based on a pair of Indiana Line Diva 552. Noteworthy is a 2,5-way speaker system with properly insulated tweeter. The Diva 552 loudspeakers have paper cones (made of natural cellulose pulp) in the woofers. The Divy woofer, on the other hand, is a structure that uses the innovative Curv material, which is created by the appropriate combination of fibers distinguished by high stiffness and high internal damping. As a result, a warm, pleasant sound and great dynamics have been obtained.

Among the floorstanding models, in the case of a room up to 20 m2, the Indiana Line Tesi 561 loudspeakers also deserve attention. They are also 2,5-way speakers and, like Diva 552, have a bass reflex port at the front. This makes it easier to place them in the listening room. Instead of a black piano finish, we have an elegant vinyl in the shade of black oak or light walnut. This model can be connected in bi-amping/bi-spinning mode, which allows you to get even better sound from it.

The third floor option is the Indiana Line Nota 550 X loudspeakers. The only floorstanding model from the Nota series is also a 2,5-way design using a stylish MDF cabinet with resonance damping internal reinforcements. In the midrange, this model sounds warm and gentle, and the woofer used in it guarantees strong and deep bass. The special design of the tweeter filter is also noteworthy, as it allows for clear and distinct treble.

For people who, despite the fact that they have a room with a relatively large area, but do not have space for the appropriate arrangement of the aforementioned floorstanding models, we recommend the Nota 260 X 2-way loudspeakers with a back ported cabinet.

Indiana Line Tesi 661

Area up to 25 m2 and floorstanding speakers

If the interior is relatively large, and additionally well damped, then it is necessary to use a model with high efficiency and using transducers with a large-area membranes. Most floorstanding loudspeakers will work well in this type of room, as the electroacoustic transducers responsible for low and medium tones are usually larger in size.

In this segment, we recommend the Indiana Line Diva 660 loudspeakers, the top model from the current offer of this Italian audio brand. They have a 3-way design and will provide high sound quality even in a large living room. Unlike many similar models using three drivers (one for each of the processed acoustic ranges), Diva 660 has 4 built-in speakers – tweeter, mid-woofer and two woofers. This ensures a wide range of processed sounds, and at the same time a natural sound with a wide and emotional soundstage.

An alternative to the above model can be the Indiana Line Tesi 661 loudspeakers. They are also 3-way and, like Diva 660, they can work in bi-amping/bi-spinning. Due to the back firing port and a relatively large structure with a massive cabinet, Tesi 661 will show its full potential at a distance of about a meter from the wall of the listening room.

A room over 25 m2 (up to 30 m2, up to 40 m2, up to 50 m2)

In larger living rooms with an area of 30 m2, 40 m2, and even 50 m2, so much above the aforementioned limit of 25 m2 – bigger floorstanding sets or large monitors with sizable diameter woofers can be used. The models of this type should be characterized not only by a wide frequency response, but above all by high efficiency.

We recommend using the Indiana Line DJ 308 or DJ 310 loudspeakers to amplify large spaces. These are 3-way models with a double bass reflex tunnel and built-in large woofers. The DJ 308 has a bass driver with a diameter of 230 mm, while the DJ 310 model has a diameter of 275 mm. In combination with other electroacoustic transducers, it allows for a strong and full sound. These models will successfully provide sound even for a large training room. The design of the DJ series loudspeakers is also noteworthy. It is kept in a classic, vintage style.

Indiana Line DJ 310

Subwoofer as an additional woofer

In large rooms, especially in home theater systems (for watching movies), an additional external woofer may be a necessary complement to the other loudspeakers. Usually it is an active subwoofer, so the one that has a built-in amplifier. Its use will significantly improve the sound quality in the low frequency range.

Rooms with a large capacity require appropriately “powerful” subwoofers so that they are able to generate the appropriate sound pressure necessary to obtain strong bass. In smaller interiors, the models with relatively low power may be sufficient, especially as for an active subwoofer.

It is worth experimenting a bit with the placement of the subwoofer in the listening room and choose the optimal position that will provide the appropriate level of bass reproduction. Of course, we experiment as much as the interior arrangement allows us. Placing the subwoofer in the corner of the room can emphasize the bass. It is also worth paying attention to the phenomenon of “dead spots”, i.e. the occurrence of places where the bass is clearly weakened.

If we are not able to properly adjust the position of the subwoofer, it is worth using the automatic calibration system, with which, for example, an amplifier or home theater receiver can be equipped. However, if we do not have an audio component that supports this type of solution, then it is worth choosing a subwoofer that will allow us to manually, precisely calibrate its settings and tune the sound to the other loudspeakers (floorstanding or bookshelf speakers, depending on the selected models).

If you want to amplify a large room of over 30 m2, you can use more than one subwoofer with its own amplifier, which will provide strong bass, but also allow for a more even distribution of the sound of the reproduced sound. Then it is worth that all subwoofers should be identical. However, it should be remembered that increasing the number of woofers in a loudspeaker system does not always have a positive effect on sound quality.

Among active subwoofers, it is worth taking a closer look at two models offered by the Indiana Line brand. We mean Basso 840 and Basso 880. Both are equipped with a rich control section, thanks to which we can properly adjust parameters such as phase, cut-off frequency or amplification of the audio signal (taking into account the other speakers), obtaining a strong, deep bass. The models differ mainly in the class of operation of the built-in amplifier, and thus also in power. Indiana Line Basso 880 is a class D construction with power reaching 400 W, while Basso 840 works in AB class and is characterized by maximum power of 125 W. Moreover, Basso 840 has a bass reflex cabinet, and Basso 880 is a sealed cabinet design. The subwoofer cabinet, as in the case of other loudspeakers, will affect the way it is placed in the listening room. When choosing the right model, it is worth taking into account not only its power, but also the above-mentioned cabinet construction.

Indiana Line Basso

Capacity, shape and acoustics of the room

 When talking about the choice of loudspeakers for a specific room, all considerations are usually limited only to its capacity. Meanwhile, the third dimension, i.e. the height at which the ceiling is located, also plays a significant role. It has a remarkable impact on the character of the sound, both in terms of the level of distortion and the level of power necessary for an amplifier to provide sound to such an interior and various electroacoustic transducers used in the loudspeakers.

Not only the capacity of the room, but also the proportions of its individual dimensions (including height) will be important for the sound of the loudspeakers placed in it. In the professional literature, you can even find special guidelines to the mentioned proportions. One such “golden ratio” is 1,85:1,5:1 (respectively: length, width and height). Assuming that the average height of the room is approx. 2,7 m, the optimal size will be a room with individual walls of 5 and 4 meters (20 m2).

You can also meet the guidelines taking into account the dimensions of the room, according to which the ratio of width, length and height should be 1:1,25:3,2 for small rooms (up to 12 m2), 1:1,6: 2,5 for medium-sized rooms (up to 20 m2) or 1:1,25:3,2 for large listening spaces (25 m2 and more).

However, these are only some guidelines, because practice shows that there is no one clear recipe for an acoustically perfect interior. Above all, however, none of the dimensions of the room should be the same, and they should not be multiples of each other.

Indiana line Tesi 261
Indiana Line Tesi 261

Before we install a stereo system (e.g. for listening to music) or a home theater system (designed mainly for watching movies), and we have a choice of two different rooms for possible use, it is worth checking which one will be better in terms of proportions and acoustics for our loudspeaker sets .

Even a very expensive audio system, equipped with the most advanced loudspeakers providing a wide frequency response, but placed in a room not adapted to it, will simply sound average. That is why it is worth paying attention to what is in our listening room. Soft, fabric elements of the interior design, such as carpets, curtains or upholstered furniture, absorb sound. Their proper location is of key importance here. In many cases, the acoustic properties of the room can be regulated quite significantly, e.g. by changing the position of furniture or damping and absorbing fabrics.

In practice, it is usually not easy to modify the dimensions of individual walls, and it is not easy to make some compromises and concessions with the interior design. It then remains to correct the acoustics of the room with the help of appropriate acoustic systems that absorb or diffuse sounds reproduced by audio and loudspeakers in a stereo or home theater system.

Speakers placement – how to position the speakers in the room?

One of the key elements influencing the sound quality is not only the right choice of loudspeakers, but also their proper placement. We advise on what to pay attention to and how to properly position Indiana Line speakers.

How to set the speakers ? – contents

  1. Speakers 5.1
  2. In a small room
  3. Stereo speakers
Nota 550 X

How to set the speakers 5.1 – speakers placement 5.1 in the room

The placement of the speakers 5.1 in the room is of great importance in terms of sound. It is worth making sure that the individual speakers in the home theater system are placed at an equal distance from the viewer. Another important aspect will be the appropriate orientation of the speakers directly towards the watcher.

Tesi 661

In practice, it looks like there are three speakers at the front – a pair of main speakers and a center speaker – at the back there are two surround speakers and a subwoofer, the correct placement of which will translate into the satisfaction of the listener with the sound of bass.

So let’s take a look at what the correct placement of the speakers 5.1 in the room looks like.

Front speakers placement

The front, which consists of the left and right channel – composed of any Indiana Line floorstanding speakers or larger bookshelf models, e.g. Indiana Line Diva 262 – and the central speaker, such as the Indiana Line Diva 752, plays the most important role when placing the speakers in the home theater systems. Their task is to create a wide sound stage in the listening room, complement dialogues and guide the viewer during the events happening on the screen.

Nota 250 X

The side speakers should be placed at a mutual distance, approximately equal to the distance from the listener, and at equal distances from the TV set, which is not always possible. If, for example, we are limited by the listening room, which makes it difficult to maintain a proportional distance, nothing is lost.

Slight differences can be corrected by the receiver with the included calibration microphone, which will examine the acoustics of our room and determine the distances of the speakers from the listening position, while minimizing the disproportions resulting from the uneven arrangement of the speakers.

How to set the central speaker

The central speaker, as the name suggests, should be placed in the center, directly below or above the TV set. It is responsible for the dialogues and the voice of the lector, therefore its correct positioning is extremely important.

Nota 240

Moving the central speaker to the side would lead to unpleasant sonic surprises and the effect of incoherence. For example, we would see the actor in the middle and his line would come from the left or right.

So it’s worth spending time choosing the right model, for example Diva 752 or Indiana Line Tesi 761, and then setting the speaker properly. Thanks to this, we will be sure that the dialogues will be perfectly audible and there will be no need to turn up the volume too much to hear what the actors said. It also has an impact on the proper construction of the sound stage.

How to set the surround speakers

An important element of the home theater system are also the surround speakers located most often behind our main listening place. Their task is to transmit sounds such as, for example, the flight of an airplane or background noises. This increases the sense of being surrounded by sound and completes the structure of a multi-channel cinema panorama.

As in the case of the front speakers, the surround speakers should be placed at an equal distance from each other, which will translate into the proper reception of the played music. It is also good to ensure that the surround speakers are not directly behind the viewers and are directed towards them. Indiana Line bookshelf speakers, such as the Diva 262, Indiana Line Nota 260 X or the smaller Indiana Line Tesi 241 or Indiana Line Nota 240 X, will be perfect for the surround speakers.

How to set the subwoofer

Indiana Line Basso

In a home theater system, a subwoofer will be the best to process the bass band, such as the Indiana Line Basso 880 or the smaller Indiana Line Basso 840 model. How to set it up in a 5.1 system? There are several possibilities and they depend on what we want to get:

1) If we primarily want a lot of bass – at the expense of precision – then we can place the subwoofer in one of the corners of the listening room.

2) If we want a lot of bass that will be relatively accurate, you can place the subwoofer close to one of the side walls.

3) If the goal is to achieve the most precise – although a bit weaker – bass, it is worth placing the subwoofer close to the listening position, e.g. directly behind a couch or armchair. Thereby, the proportion of the direct pressure of the bass in relation to its resonances coming from the room is increased, thanks to which the bass becomes closer.

The latter option will seem to be the best one if we have the opportunity to do so. In this way, we will be sure that a properly set subwoofer will fantastically complement the sound of the loudspeakers with its potential in the lowest, difficult to process acoustic frequency range.

The appropriate subwoofer configuration may also be helpful. Proper adjustment – setting a lower crossover frequency so that the device has as little work as possible – will make the quality of the background music closer to what we know from high-quality music systems. Such a procedure facilitates and improves the acoustic integration of the bass unit with the rest of the system, but shifts the burden of responsibility to the front speakers. So in such a situation it is worth taking care of high-quality front speakers, for example Indiana Line Tesi 661, Indiana Line Tesi 561 or Indiana Line Diva 662.

How to set the speakers in a small room

The main aspect influencing how our audio system sounds is the correct placement of the loudspeakers. Not only the distance to the walls plays an important role, but also the angle at which they are positioned, which results from the nature of the membrane’s operation.

Tesi 261

A working loudspeaker vibrates the air in front of it. Since its membrane diameter and cabinet width are usually comparable to or greater than the processed wavelength, the loudspeaker starts to behave more like a sonic “searchlight” than a room lamp and sends most of the sound forward rather than to the sides.

If we want to improve the area of the sound stage, we can place the speakers perfectly straight ahead. Such a procedure will increase the proportion of diffused and reflected sound from the side walls in relation to that which reaches the listener’s ears directly from the loudspeakers. The sound stage clearly “grows”, but this is done at the cost of slightly blurring the location of the instruments.

For fans of greater sound intimacy, a better solution will be to direct the speakers inwards, so that the main axes intersect right in front of the listener. This allows the sound to concentrate directly near the listener, focusing the soundstage closer to the center, while improving the precision of the location of phantom sound sources.

How to set the stereo speakers

 Theoretically intuitive thing, which is the correct placement of the loudspeakers, can be quite a challenge. Therefore, it is worth taking care of a few basic elements, e.g. keeping a minimum distance from the walls (especially in case of the bass reflex cabinet with a rear firing port) and between the two speakers (about 1,7 meters). We should also avoid placing the speaker units in the corners of a room.

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Moreover, we should place the loudspeakers at the correct height so that the position of the tweeter is at the level of the listener’s ear. Another important factor is ensuring that individual speakers are located at a proportional distance from the walls and work in a similar environment, e.g. along the same wall or under one window.

It is difficult for the listening room to be acoustically arranged, therefore listening to music will be accompanied by reverberation depending on other furniture and objects in the room. In order to reduce reflections to a minimum, you can equip you interior with curtains to subtly dampen the side walls, and place a small carpet in front of the speakers that will help the lowest frequencies spread properly.

The best solution, however, will be to equip yourself with shelves or shelves filled with books, and preferably music CDs. Numerous recesses in shelves, together with properly selected contents, do not so much absorb, but disperse the sound evenly throughout the room. It is extremely desirable in terms of creating a wide soundstage with natural sounding instruments. This procedure will affect any reverberation or even an echo present in an empty room even more effectively than, for example, damping the sound with curtains.

The mentioned elements of room acoustics also contribute to well-sounding audio equipment. If you have additional questions, please visit one of the authorized Indiana Line loudspeakers showrooms, where our experts will help you choose the right speakers.

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